"The Reunion" Bloggers' Conference

8/14/2012 09:01:00 PM

Barkada or group of friends is important to me!  They are the pals that you can depend and shared some of your thoughts.  Until now I still have Barkadas who I can still be with them and see or hang out with just to talk about our lives.  Particular barkadas that I have are my friends during High School, my neighbors, my church mate, my co-scholar and my bff who are my kita kits friends.  If you're following my posts you'll eventually know why kita kits.  But for the benefit of the new readers kita kits because they are my friends that we only meet rarely and we make sure to have a good day when we meet.

Ok, that's enough! Talking about them makes me feel lonely already.

You know I'd been talking about barkadas well, I had attended this bloggers conference of "The Reunion" which is a movie about barkadas or friends.  Present during the said conference was Bangs Garcia, Kean Cipriano and of course Frasco Mortiz, the director of the movie.  During the conference most of them are really at is with each other because according to them they have already develop the friendship.  Bloggers questions were answered pretty well and since as much of the questions were pertaining to friendships. 

The funny part that was shared  by the writer during the conference the characters were his true friends in real life, take note in real life.   Of course according to the writer his friends reacted  on this and of course they were happy to see their lives portrayed in big screen.

According to Bangs and Kean, they gained friendship among the cast.

So, what are you waiting for, do watch "The Reunion" to reminisce your friends.

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