
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

SIP Milk Tea, A Sippingly Good Concoction

Is there any one who is crazy about milk tea?  Well this is great because I just found something to share.  So Mommies out there, you should try the newest trend in the Philippines, the new milk tea in town. There are lots of milk tea establishment here in the metro that you can choose from. And most of their clients/customers  are maybe your sons or daughters, that's why mommy should know the trending drinks nowadays.

Last week I was invited to taste this new milk tea.  Actually I am not a fan of milk tea, but one of my friend, my co-blogger Mommy Josephine Bonsol introduced me this the milk tea, Mommy Jo loves milk tea as far as I know. Since she is the one who introduced me that kind of drinks, she is also the one who pop up on my FB and  invited me to this event and have a taste of this new found concoction of milk tea.

Alright, here is a little background of what is SIP milk tea all about. John Qy the owner of SIP Milk Tea explained a lot about their business and how it came to be, he even shared about the teas that they are using like the black and green tea, most of all what he truly brags about is their process of making their tea which is full of taste.  He further explained that their teas are not brewed but steep, one of the process in making a very good tea and a nice way to lock in the true flavor of teas.

I tried some of their milk tea like the Creamy Cheesecake Milk Tea which is true to what it delivers, creamy and tasty.  I also tried some of their flavors as well so better wait for my product review about it.  I'm sure you'll be enticed more and go crazy craving for it, hahaha.  They got quite a number of flavors to choose from and their staff can offer you as well some of their bestsellers.  Just ask which one is it.

To make it more interesting, John Qy showed us the green and black leaves that they are using in their store. Just like a mentioned earlier, according to him, brewing is not the right process in making tea.  Steeping is for tea making.  They are not on brewing of the tea leaves to avoid bitterness, they want to serve the right blend of tea.

They offer flavored tea, milk tea, the mezteazo the combination of green tea and black tea.  In Addition to really enjoy their products are the things to nibble, there honeycomb waffle which is one of their best seller, Veggie Spring Roll, the Chicken chop and the siomai.  Just the right food to enjoy a flavorful milk tea.

Oh just to entice you more, the Honeycomb waffle is the best food to eat while doing your blogs or of course what ever you doing and guess what, my kids love it too!  While the veggie spring roll, i love it very much the taste of the vegetable, i am not a fond of vegetable but this time i really like it, specially with a vinegar dip. The Chicken chop gives something new to taste, so better visit the store at Farmers Plaza Cubao.  Lastly the fried siomai, you cannot taste or see that oil on or in it, they have the good preparation on this.

So mommies try to be with your teenage son or daughter in SIP Milk Tea, to have some talk, to know the secrets, and to have time with them.  Now it's time for the mommies to trend.

For more information, visit, like their FB Page and follow them on Twitter @sipmilktea.

1 comment:

  1. Good thing I'm not an NTSB hihi accounting from your very fine and encouraging review, I'm so eager to have a sip or more than just a sip of Sip milk tea. :-)
