Max's Bloggers Got Talent

12/09/2012 10:12:00 PM

Chicken has been the all time favorite of Filipinos. With regards on Chicken, Max's offers the best Chicken in Town.

This holiday season let Max's chicken be included on your table. Most of the kids love it.

Recently Max's Restaurant held a bloggers got talent, because of the generosity of the Max's Restaurant, Bloggers enjoyed the night.

Most of the bloggers at that night, keep on saying that Max's Restaurant treat the bloggers as family. They keep on inviting us, to be the first to taste or experience whatever new offers they have for their customers.

Bloggers suprised by Max's for thier generosity. "Bloggers not only good on writing but they are talented also" according to Sir Bob of Max's Restaurant.

So, all the bloggers attended the party showed their talent on singing. At the end, Jing Javier of htpp:// won the first ever Bloggers Got Talent Grand Price.

We, Bloggers are very thankful because Max's Restaurant treats us as a Family.

Max's Restaurant treat also the Filipinos as their Family, that's why they offers the best and they keep on improving their food and their services.

Thank you Max's Restaurant! 

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