
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Elect 4 Da Vote!

Here in the Philippines, for just a month to go, Election is coming.  We, Filipinos have the right to vote for the right Senatorial candidates.  We have few weeks to go to think and choose who will be the next Senators in our Country.

Before we go over the election, let us have something to give us some "enlightenment" through the concert of our four (4) comedienne namely Pokwang, Pooh, Chocoleit and K Brosas.  

After their hit comedy show 4 DA BEST, here's another concert from the quartet entitled 4 DA VOTE at Music Museum.  Both concerts are directed by Andrew De Real. It will be four times two of comedy show that will definitely make the audience laugh all the way during the concert.

Here's some of the things to expect in the concert.  Pokwang will spoof the controversial mom of Ruffa Gutierrez none other than Anabelle Rama, who is also running in politics for the first time. While Pooh will spoof Senatoriable candidate Cynthia Villar  on the issue why nurses hate Mrs. Villar.

Chocoleit will spoof re-electionist Sen. Koko Pimentel on explaining that he does not butter his wife, as Sen Miriam Santiago as well who creates a line-up that she likes to win and be in the senate.

Last but not the least, K Brosas will spoof re-electionist Sen. Loren Legarda.

Let us also watch out for their interpretation of the words like Trapo, Bimpo, Pasador at Basahan.

Those are some of the part of the concert and more surprises during the event.

4 DA VOTE brought to you by M2D Events and Viva Live. Ticket is available at SM Tickets at Ticketworld amounting to 2,750.00, 2,200.00 at 1,650.00.\

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