Oral B and UP Dental Alumni Association Launch Smile Pilipinas - Mommy's MAG Life

Oral B and UP Dental Alumni Association Launch Smile Pilipinas

2/28/2015 02:10:00 AM

As a mommy, I really need to assure that my kids are free from germs or bacteria, at least from a mommies point of view because we all know that kids are kids. They get nasty and dirty most of the time. And when it comes to our kid's teeth, well, it's one of those very important growth that we parents should take into consideration. 

This is the fact "Kids are afraid to go to Dental Clinic and they dont want to meet the Dentist, because of wrong perception that Parent impose to them. I experienced that kind of feeling too, I don't want to let the Dentist check my teeth, that's why my teeth are not good and not strong. So I spend much money and so many things to do on my teeth to achieve a beautiful smile.
That experience happened again to my kids though my eldest son who's 7 years old was brought to the dentist twice or thrice but my youngest son who's 4 years old has never been brought to the dental clinic. My eldest son teeth is not that good while my youngest son have a beautiful teeth. I haven't scheduled any visit, yet, to a dental clinic unless there will be a major problem and because of that my kids don't want a dentist to check their teeth, that's my dilemma.

Recently I attended an event that launched Smile Pilipinas, that made me realize that there are so many things need to do in taking good care of our teeth. So with that I am actually planning now to schedule a visit to a dental clinic to have a family teeth check up.

Here are some insights during the event

A program that aims to bring back the healthy smiles of Filipinos has been launched by the UP Dental Alumni Association (UPDAA) in partnership with global oral care brand Oral-B. The program called Smile Pilipinas and launched in time fof the 100th year of the UP College of Dentistry, aims to uplift the deteriorating state of oral health in the country through an extensive campaign that enjoins the support of each and every Filipino.

According to UPDAA President Dr. Jocelyn L. Tan of the UPCD, the program was conceptualized in response to alarming results of a study that revealed 9 out of  ten Filipinos suffer from Dental caries and worse, the Philippines has the 2nd worst rate of decayed, missing and filled teeth in all of Asia. "We cannot let this happen to our citizens and our children," added Dr. Tan "We need the support and cooperation of everyone - the parents, the educators and ordinary citizens, and that's the reason we launched Smile Pilipinas".

The movement has found a strong supporter in Oral-B, the brand known worldwide form its commitment to promoting healthy smiles. "When the opportunity to be a key partner for Smile Pilipinas was offered to us, we knew we had to be a part of it. This is a great opportunity for Oral-B to do something concrete about improving the quality of oral health in the Philippines, kick-starting a movement that will involve both the professional body as well as regular consumers," said Sura jan Magesvaran, Procter & Gamble Vice President, Home Products, Power and Oral Care, Asia.

During the launch which coincided with the centennial celebration of UP College of Dentistry (UPCD) and spearheadedby UPDAA, the three focus areas of the program were presented, namely Advocacy, Public Good and Fund Raising.
Under communication, Smile Pilipinas will call upon Filipinos - inside and outside of The Philippines - to get onboard and help spread inspiration for better oral health. The program has five fundamental messages: 
1. Our smiles are fundamental to our identity
2. Let's bring oral health within reach of all Filipinos
3. Everyone can easily help improve oral health in the country
4. We need to take care of our children's teeth
5. We should all practice oral health care habits.
Its Public Good initiatives include Unang Ngipin Patibayin and SuperSmileCon 2015. Unang Ngipin Patibayin is a public health initiative organized in partnership with Pateros and Pasig to provide oral health education and preventive measures for children and parents. SuperSmileCon 2015, on the other hand, is an oral wellness fair for kids with free dental consultations, dental varnish application, games, stage shows and dental health education.
To  sustain its activities, the program will be accepting public and corporate generosity of time, talent, treasure, through donations, sponsorship and sale of Smile Pilipinas merchandise sales via retail partners. 

Top actress and Oral-B ambassador Iza Calzado, who graced the launch of Smile Pilipinas, likewise thanks both partners and echoed the concern over the country's deteriorating oral health condition. "Let's not take this important aspect of our health for granted. As our oral health professionals have repeatedly said, oral health is a vital part of over-all health. It's part of our personality, our heritage as a Filipino. Let's maintain the warmth and beauty of our smiles by learning how to care for our mouth, gums and teeth."
With the country's top oral health professionals joined by the world's leading oral care brand in launching the Smile Pilipinas, there may yet be hope for the state of oral health in the country. But, as Magesvaran stressed, there's a lot of work to be done. "It's very important that Filipinos across the country understand the importance of good oral health that leads to a beautiful, healthy smile. That's why we enjoin everyone to support this project so it can attain its mission of 100% Healthy Smiles in every Filipino."
Adds Dr. Tan, "Oral health cannot be seen separate from our total health hygiene. If we all work together, we can bring oral health within reach of all Filipinos.
Mommies, this is the time to expose our kids to the Dentist so that they won't be afraid to the dentist or to a dental clinic. Now, I will definitely bring my kids regularly to a Dental Clinic so that my kids won't inherit the feeling of being afraid to the dentist. This is the time to change that attitude and let's help the advocacy of UP Dental Alumni Association, Smile Pilipinas and Oral-B.

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  1. I think it is great that you guys are organizing a better oral health care program for the Philippines. It is so important to have good oral hygiene. I would like to learn more about how this dental plan works. family dentistry


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