
Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Johnson’s Advocates #SoMuchMore with Its Local Campaign “Di Lang Ligoang Ligo”

Future and present moms need to know these facts about MultiSensory Stimulation and thankfully Johnson’s is advocating this with their campaign #SoMuchMore with its local campaign “Di Lang Ligo ang Ligo”. Making bath time not just a simple task that moms do with their kids but an extra special bonding moment. I really love this because it gives us more time together and connects even more. It is really more than just a bath .
SO MUCH MORE is a global campaign that is about enhancing rituals, most specially bath time, to stimulate baby’s senses and provide parents an opportunity to nurture baby’s ability to learn, think, love and grow. According to the Global Bath Time Report which was conducted by JOHNSON’S in seven key countries to better understand how parents view bath time and its role in the development of babies shows that 96% of parents in the Philippines believe that bath time is so much more than just getting their child clean, 45% do not see that it is extremely important for cognitive development. And based on the report as well shows that Philippines has the shortest bath time duration for babies which is 15 minute compared to the global average of 23 minutes. But we think that one more reason about this is that Filipino moms, especially the traditional ones, still believe in old day’s belief.
If you’ll read deep with the result of the research it has shown that bath time is actually a great opportunity to stimulate baby’s senses because it is a time when babies’ senses are very much alive. Further studies prove that multisensory stimulation can strongly aid in promoting happy and healthy baby development. With this in mind, JOHNSON’S paves the way for a brighter future for Filipino babies by educating parents on the role of sensorial stimulation during the bath time ritual, which can lead to happy, healthy baby development.

During the event which was held in R Space there are some of the doctors who shared their insights and expertise with regards to MultiSensory Stimulation that helps in the develop of our babies. Dr. Salvador Valenzuela Castaneda, Asia Pacific Medical & Clinical Affairs Director shared that “Bath time can be so much more than getting clean. Multisensory stimulation rituals can aid in promoting happy and healthy baby development leading to specific benefits such as increased weight gain and bone mass, reduced stress, crying and better quality and quantity of sleep.”

Another doctor, Dr. Theresa Hilario-Jimenez, President of the Perinatal Association of the Philippines, shared how important touch in the growth and development and she states that “Dramatic growth in a child’s physical, motor, cognitive and social-emotional development is very much dependent on the stimulation a parent provides in the first several years of a child’s life. Touch is a powerful tool to maintain alert state in babies, to calm them or as an attention-getting stimulus. Touch is also a good reinforce for positive infant behavior and learning.”

A doctor about olfactory shared his thoughts and knowledge when it comes to fragrances. Dr. Arun Viswanath, Asia Pacific, Science and Technology head at Givaudan Fragrances, stated that “Apart from massage, other ways the senses can be activated especially during bath time include the playing of music and games, and the use of fragranced products. Pleasant smells, particularly, when paired with the loving interactions of a parent, can create positive and lasting memories that children will remember for a lifetime. Fragranced products are known to increase infant engagement, helping mothers bond with their babies, and helping babies stay calm and relaxed for a more prolonged period of time.”
As host of the event, Rica Peralejo-Bonifacio also shared her experiences with her baby and she even demonstrated how to swaddle a baby.

“As the world gradually expands for a baby, the role of parents in supporting early positive experiences and growth through stimulation is of utmost importance. A complete and healthy baby care ritual firstly involves optimally-formulated products to enhance a baby’s skin barrier, while maximizing these moments to promote positive physical and cognitive growth. This is made possible through our TRIPLE BABY PROTECTION present in every JOHNSON’S product, which is our commitment to providing care that combines safety, mildness and effectiveness to support babies’ healthy skin development,” shares Mrs. Trina Tanlapco, JOHNSON’S Franchise Marketing Manager. She even added that “ Through the SO MUCH MORE campaign we also hope to inspire parents nationwide to make bath time mean so much more and spend more quality time during bath time, not only to provide a delightful experience for her child, but to optimize these precious moments for their healthy development.”

JOHNSON’S encourage moms and dads to spend more quality time with their babies, especially during bath time. Make bath time mean so much more. To know more about Johnson’s and how you can enhance your baby’s bath time experience, visit www.

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