Mommy's First Hand Experience with Nido GUM (Growing Up Milk)
2/05/2016 08:16:00 AM
As a full time Mommy, proper nutrition is a must. There are lots of reading materials and advices from other mommies of how and what is the best way to protect our children. Recently, I attended a Nido GUM (Growing Up Milk) Bloggers Kick Off event, whereas Mommy Bloggers learn more about proper nutrition.
The event was hosted by superwomom and proud NIDO® 3+ mommy. Bettina Carlos.
One of the Guest Speaker during the event is Dr. Agnes Calleja, M.D, who shared the importance of understanding age-specific nutrition in helping mothers make the right food choices for their kids.
I resigned last December 2015 and so starting this January 2016 my goal is to introduce veggie to my kids, they are 4 and 8 years. I admittedly that on my previous year as a working mom, one of my struggle is on how to add veggies on their meal. I did not monitor nor teach them to eat veggies.
Now that I am a full time mom, I am slowly introducing some veggies during our meal. It is really a great achievement seeing your kids eating veggies now though they eat a little amount of veggies, time will come that no hardship on giving veggies to my kids.
Fruits is not a problem to me, they eat lots of fruits everyday such as papaya, pineapple, apple, oranges, bananas and many more. They love fruits.
Fruits and vegetables are good sources of vitamins and minerals that benefit children in many ways. Aside from improved nutrition, these nutrient-dense foods also build up their immune system, prevent the risk of obesity, and promote healthy bowel patterns. However, most kids today are picky eaters. They constantly ask for sweets, eat fewer vegetables and request for the same food over and over again.
Here are some tips to help increase their fruit and veggie consumption which was shared during the event:
1. Make meal times more colorful by mixing green, leafy vegetables with bright-colored ones like carrots and squash. You can also portion it in such a way that there are more fruits into the mix for that added sweetness.
2. Keep children away from the TV during meal times and always have them eat on the table to limit distractions and promote good eating manners.
3. Be a positive role model and eat healthy food together as a family as kids at a young age are still most likely to copy what they see others do.
4. Teach kids healthy food choices by bringing them to the grocery and explaining the benefits of eating fruits and vegetables in a manner they will appreciate.
5. Involve them in the kitchen and show them how to prepare quick healthy snacks, so they won't turn to chips and sweets when they get hungry.
I will definitely try those tips for my kids. Sooner they will love vegetables and will ask to include it in their meal.
Next speaker is Ms. Patricia Turcuato, Lead Consumer Marketing Manager for NIDO Growing Up Milk (GUM), talks protection from within with NIDO® 3+, the only milk brand with Lactobacillus PROTECTUS® that helps kids have more good bacteria in the stomach so they don't become weak and vulnerable to sickness.
I am happy to share that my kids are #LakingAmazing, they are Nido kids just like their Daddy, who is Laking Nido as well. They love Nido Milk and I like the benefits of it for my kids.
The ability of children to ward off sickness and disease is also very reliant on the health of their stomach where bacteria reside. When people think of bacteria, they often think of it negatively. But the truth is, not all bacteria are bad. There are good bacteria and bad bacteria, and whenever there are too much bad bacteria in the tummy, the stomach system is thrown off balance, leaving children weak and vulnerable.
Ensure that your kids are healthy and protected from within at all time with NIDO® 3+ . Specially developed by the best of Nestle Research, NIDO® 3+ is the only milk brand with Lactobacillus PROTECTUS® , which are millions and millions of live good bacteria that are constantly on guard to maintain stomach balance and help strengthen the immune system.
Aside from Lactobacillus PROTECTUS®, NIDO® 3+ also contains other essential nutrients such as Prebio® 3, DHA, ALA, LA, Folic Acid, Taurine and high levels of vitamins A. B3, C, D, E and Zinc to support overall growth and development.
For kids 5 and Up, there is NIDO® 5+, enriched with CALCI-N® to help build healthy bones by providing better calcium absorption.
During the event, Mommy bloggers like me were given a first-hand experience of the free consultation with licensed nutritionists that NIDO® 3+ will be rolling out in select groceries and supermarkets nationwide. The 11-month long program starting February 2016 will help mothers know more about proper nutrition and protection for kids above 3 years of age. I am thankful to Nido for letting me experience this.
The Nido GUM Bloggers Kick-off Event was attended by Mom Bloggers and representatives from the Nestle Infant Nutrition division |
NIDO® 3+ and NIDO® 5+ are not suitable for infant feeding and are not breast milk substitutes.