
Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Mommy Angie's Struggle with Myoma and Ovarian Cyst!

Yes, it was early this year that I was diagnosed having a myoma and an ovarian cyst. When I first heard it from my ob-gyn I was shocked. Then questions lingers at the back of my head like 'why me?' 'what will happen to me and my family?' I was one of those information that you wouldn't want to hear from your doctor. But it happened and it made my head drowned with questions and worries.

Way back before I got pregnant with our first born, I was diagnosed with an ovarian cyst at my right ovary, while on my left was a polycystic ovary. According to my ob-gyn, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or PCOS is a condition in which a woman's level of sex hormones, the estrogen and progesterone are out of balance. That was the reason why I wasn't able to get pregnant after two years of marriage.

Dr. Gwendolyn Yaneza with a clinic at Well of Life in Fairview and she is also affiliated with FEU, Fairview General and Miguel Malvar Hospital is my Obstetrician-Gynecologist (OB-GYN). Year 2006, when she prescribed me with pills called Diane. After months of taking the pills she afterwards gave me Clomid plus a closed monitoring with her to correct my hormonal imbalance. After a few months, finally I got pregnant. Then I gave birth to my 1st born. It was year 2007 after four years my youngest son came.

Last December 2016, I felt something really hurts under  my lower abdomen. My suspicion was my C Section's wound. I was really at pain and I even can't move much. So, after new year and exactly January 3 I decided to visit my ob-gyn for a check-up. During the check up process and screening I was really nervous and there were a lot of things running into my head. Dr. Yaneza told me that my right ovary is very clear. This was the one with the ovarian cyst before I gave birth to my 1st born.  Then she followed-up with the status of my left ovary, it has an ovarian cyst that is already 1CM. It was most likely with the previously screen ovarian cyst on my right. According to Dra. Yaneza, the cyst is still manageable and can be addressed with some prescribed medicines. Like what she said before once this ovarian cyst reached a 5CM size mark that is the time that it is needed to be surgically removed. I was relieved with this news.

The shocking part of my story was when Dra. Yaneza mentioned that I have Myoma.  That really makes me sad. I have heard a lot of stories about myoma. There's no medicine that can cure it and worse it will be there inside your uterus unless it will be surgically remove. The good thing is that Dra. Yaneza comforted me with the news that it was still small that can be manage. Just like the cyst it needs to be 5CM and above before resorting to surgical procedure of removing it. We just hoped that the myoma won't grow fast. I really felt weak at that moment. I have MYOMA and OVARIAN CYST at the same time.

I was questioning. Why me? Why did this happened to me? There were lots of questions, I was super stress, and there were so many things that I want to do. But what made me stop thinking the bad side was my family. Yes, I love my family and I want to be with them at all times. It is really hard to think of beautiful things when you're down with such a shocking news, but life must go on. I'll fight and I'll continue to pray to God to heal me from this ailment.

Just like before with my ovarian cyst, Dra. Yaneza gave pills to treat it. I was instructed to took the medicine for 10 days and after a month is the check-up. This is to closely monitor the progress of the cyst and the myoma. February 2, was my 2nd check-up. Things came worse, my ovarian cyst grew to 2.4 cm while the myoma to 1.2 cm.

The great news is that my ob-gyn was there to boost me up and assure that there's still options that we can take. So, she gave me another medication. This time it was an injectible medicine that will put me into a stage of "temporary menopausal stage", meaning I won't have my menstruation for atleast 3 months and there's also the possibility that my myoma won't grow. So I took my chances and pray hard to God to guide me and heal me for my family. I also believed that God lead me to Dra. Yaneza and I know that she will take care of me. She's been my ob-gyn on my two times of giving birth and this is not the first time that she will treat me on woman reproductive organ issue.

It was May 3, I went to my OB and believing that God healed me already. There were two news after the ultrasound, the good and the bad. The good news was I don't have ovarian cyst anymore. Praise God, I healed. I thankful to God, to my OB and to my family who prayed for me too. But the not so good news is that my myoma grow from 1.2 cm to 1.3 cm. Still, there's a good news about it because according to Dra., the myoma will stay there inside my uterus but  it does not grow that fast. My next visit to her is after a year to monitor the growth.

I'm happy because I do not have Ovarian Cyst anymore and hopefully it will not go back again. Sad, because I still have myoma. There were some sudden pain in my lower abdomen but it is tolerable.

Life must go on, I am a full time mom and I enjoy taking care of my kids and my hubby. I am a blogger, enjoying events and the company of my co-bloggers. Hoping to go back to work and hopefully this year. I do not know yet when will it be. Right now, I just want to be with my loved ones and enjoy the moment.

Thank you to all my readers who took time to read this very long story. I hope it will give realization and a bit of a lesson that may be applied to your lives as well. Life must go on and Mommy Angie will continue to make her life meaningful and happy. Thank you to my family and loved ones, my friends, my bff, my blogger friends and to those who know me as Mommy Angie. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart.....

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