
Friday, August 18, 2017

Breaking Down the Benefits of Seed Oils for Healthy Living

What’s the big deal about seed oils and their ‘secret’?

Filipinos are becoming smarter when it comes to food choices. According to international consumer knowledge Kantar WorldPanel, people are now shifting to foods that are lighter and more nutritious despite their busy schedules.

While the shift is slow, there is a gradual improvement on both the food and beverage choices of Filipinos. But what really constitutes healthy eating? A lot of food and lifestyle merchants are taking a step towards offering nutritious meals, but how truthful is the term ‘healthy’ in the nutritional table of our favorite store bought ingredients?

According to the University of Washington, preparing and eating homemade food has a number of benefits over buying from the store. Many commercially prepared foods and ingredients, for example, can be high in salt, fat, and sugar. In addition, certain grocery items can trigger food allergies and sensitivities because of hidden ingredients. However, when you create homemade food, you have more control over what you eat, particularly on the ingredients you use. There is also better portion management, unlike ready meals available commercially.

Perks of Going Homemade

Chef Louise Mabulo, Culinary Ambassador and Chef Chad Datu, R& D Officer of IAJ Wellness both campaign for the use of natural ingredients. During a cooking demonstration championing easy homemade dishes, both chefs elaborated on the benefits of DIY dishes, particularly homemade oils. “You make your food healthier since you know where your oil is coming from as compared to buying store bought oils, where you don’t know the process,” explained Chef Mabulo.

Chef Datu added, “It’s natural, it has no preservatives, and additives that you don’t know.” Extracted oils are making a statement in the culinary world because of their range of benefits. For example, flax seed oil has been said to help improve skin texture and reduce inflammation because of the Omega-3 fatty acids it offers. Chia seeds provide support for the heart and cardiovascular systems, and black sesame oil is proven to be good sources of energy, help with aging, and decrease the risk of cancer.

In addition to the health and beauty benefits of extracted oils, they also offer something special for the palate as well. “Natural oils amplify the flavors of the dishes. You get a really rich and natural flavor,” said Chef Mabulo.

She also explained how the addition of extracted oils can add an aesthetic appeal to food. Black sesame oil, for example, looks visually pleasing when creating vinaigrette for salads, one of the dishes they prepared during the demo. “When a food is colorful, it becomes more delicious,” she finished.

Making homemade cooking easier for all

One of the challenges of homemade cooking is the effort that often comes with it. With the hectic schedules of Filipinos nowadays, people find it easier to just buy ready-made dishes or ingredients. The good news is that a lot of leading kitchen manufacturers are listening and catering to the shift to healthier lifestyles of consumers nowadays. IAJ Wellness, specifically, has brought the MISSO s2o Seed-to-Oil Extractor to the Philippines, an innovative kitchen partner that lets anyone enjoy homemade fresh oil. With a safe and durable design, the Oil Extractor can extract up to 50% oil from any small seeds.

In addition to being a user-friendly partner in the kitchen, the MISSO s2o Seed-to-Oil Extractor can also be used to enjoy the beauty benefits of extracted oils. The kitchen tool, which originated in Korea—a country known for being one of the leaders in beauty trends—is a 2017 Korea Superb Brand Awardee as well.

Pursuing a healthy lifestyle is a big decision to make, but it must be followed with a definite change in direction when it comes to kitchen and eating habits. With a tool like the MISSO s2o Seed-to-Oil Extractor, this has become achievable more than ever.

MISSO® s2o Seed-to-Oil Wonder Extractor is exclusively distributed by IAJ Wellness Corporation. IAJ Wellness Corporation is also the distributor of premium brands like Australian appliance brand, Breville, Matstone & Goodsphere, the air-revitalizer and is a proud member of the WOW Group. To know more about Misso s2O, visit or find us on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram @MissoPH.

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