Miss Ai-Ai Delas Alas is Hobe Quick Cook Noodles' Brand Ambassador for 3 years
10/22/2017 06:00:00 AM

Hobe Quick Cook Noodles is used by most of the Filipinos nationwide and even some of the top restaurants here in the Philippines. Hobe is the perfect noodles for us, it matches the taste buds of the Filipino people.
Hobe has been in the industry for more than two (2) decades, they produce high quality products that is very affordable. Since Hobe is used by every household, Miss Ai-Ai Dela Alas is the perfect
brand ambassador and she is so happy to announce that she's endorsing the product for 3 years now.

This coming end of October my eldest son will celebrate his birthday. For sure I will definitely cook Pancit and use Hobe Quick Cook Noodles to make our guest and visitors fully satisfy their tummies.

For more details log on to www.hobe.com.ph/ and visit their facedbook account at www.facebook.com/hobephilippines/