PascualLab’s Leonie Agri Corp. partners with international firm Kyzox Innovations to help counter dengue - Mommy's MAG Life

PascualLab’s Leonie Agri Corp. partners with international firm Kyzox Innovations to help counter dengue

2/04/2019 02:37:00 PM

Present at the signing ceremony were PascualLab Chairman  
Dr. Abraham Pascual (middle), PascualLab President and CEO Jappy Pascual (extreme right), LAC President and CEO Antonio Causing (third from right), PascualLab CFO and VP for Corporate Admin and ICTD Joseph Gran (second from right), and PascualLab Director for Corporate HROD and Design Services and Corporate Communications Mia Pascual Cenzon (not in photo).  Meanwhile representing Kyzox Innovations were Founder and CEO Dr. Francois Martin (fourth from left),
Board Directors and brand ambassadors Derek Ramsay, John Estrada, Priscilla
Meirelles-Estrada, and Red Era (extreme left). 

As dengue continues to be one of the rapidly proliferating, indirectly transmitted diseases in over 100 countries including the Philippines according to the World Health Organization, French-owned company Kyzox Innovations recently tapped PascualLab’s Leonie Agri Corp. (LAC) as its exclusive supplier of Lagundi (Five-leaved chaste tree) a locally-grown herb, known for its possible anti-dengue benefits. The relationship was formalized during a contract signing led by Kyzox Innovations Founder and CEO, Dr. Francois Martin and LAC, represented by President Antonio “Tony” Causing at the PascualLab Headquarters in Quezon City last January 8.

Kyzox Innovation, known for developing an anti-mosquito additive for household and industrial use, uses an advanced drug-delivery system known as nanotechnology in its anti-mosquito products. According to the Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Lagundi, scientifically known as Vitex negundo L., can help prevent mosquito-borne diseases such as dengue: "Owing to its improved bioavailability and biocompatibility, formulated nanoemulsion (from Vitex negundo L.) can be used in various biomedical applications including drug delivery as well as disease-transmitting mosquito-vector control" (As published in Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2017. 24 [17]:1525-1513).

LAC, anchored on the legacy of quality and safety of its parent company Pascual Laboratories (PascualLab), is one of the Philippines’ most trusted producers of 100% organically grown herbs and manufacturers of products for medicinal, health and nutritional use, including Lagundi.

With the supply agreement, LAC will be the sole supplier of Kyzox Innovations’ Lagundi requirements in the Philippines.

With its daunting mission of eradicating dengue, Kyzox found confidence in having LAC as a partner being certified both for Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) by the Department of Agriculture and Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) by the FDA, as a Halal Plant by the Islamic Da'wah Council of the Philippines (IDCP), and as an Organic Farm by the Organic Certification Center of the Philippines (OCCP).

In his speech during the supply agreement signing, Causing happily shared: With Kyzox’ mandate for use of organic raw materials and support for less privileged communities who cannot afford anti-mosquito products, and LAC’s CSR thrust in helping less fortunate communities, this partnership is truly nested in common values.” Aside from Causing, also representing PascualLab during the supply agreement signing were PascualLab Chairman of the Board Abraham Pascual, Chairman and CEO Jappy Pascual, and CFO and VP for Corporate Admin, Finance, and ICTD Joseph Gran.

Meanwhile, aside from Dr. Martin, representing Kyzox were Board Directors and Brand Ambassadors Derek Ramsay, John Estrada, Priscilla Meirelles-Estrada, and Executive Director Red Era.

Ramsey, Estrada, and Meirelles-Estrada are also advocates of healthy living.

For the past two decades, LAC has been relentlessly expanding, challenging existing technologies and industry standards, and offering pioneering, organic business solutions through key collaborations specifically in organic raw materials. The recent tie-up with Kyzox Innovations hopes to pave the way for more breakthroughs especially in the sphere of health.

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