
Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Cordlife Philippines Celebrates Its 10th Anniversary In The Industry

We all need to have an open mind to things that are new to us but of course we need to know it better and understand it clearly. One of the newest technology and discoveries, the cord blood stem cell are  nothing short of miraculous, especially with the list of stem cell treatable diseases that continuously grows at a rapid pace. Through this development, many illnesses that were deemed incurable now have cures, and cord blood banks have started to be set up all over the world.

So, here in the Philippines we're not far behind of this new discovery as one of the company or rather the leading players for private cord blood banking service is, Cordlife, which happens to operate also in different parts of Asia, namely Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, India, Indonesia, China, Thailand, Myanmar, Vietna, and the Philippines.


This year, Cordlife Philippines has reached a significant milestone of 10 years in the consumer healthcare industry. But the greatest breakthrough in their journey began with a decision they made a decade ago. A chance they took and a choice they made back then that proved to be right.

Their cord blood banking service was first introduced to the Philippine market in April 2009, and was headquartered in Antel Corporate Centre in Ortigas.

Their cord blood processing and storage facility in UP AyalaLand Technohub in Quezon City was established in 2010. It has a storage capacity for 30,000 cord blood and cord lining units and is built in accordance to global gold standards to give local families peace of mind.

It is the first and only stem cell bank to be registered with DOH and to be certified by ISO in the country since 2012. Cordlife is also the first in the Philippines to earn the prestigious AABB Accreditation in 2017.


During the past 10 years, Cordlife Philippines has built a tradition of delivering the highest of quality standards in service and product offerings to every Filipino family. From less than ten, their team of highly talented and dedicated workforce grew to almost a hundred nationwide.

To provide families with more treatment options in the future, they launched their cord lining banking service in 2013. And to ensure that their clients health is well taken care of in the most holistic way possible, they introduced Cordlife Care 360 Safeguard Program, Cordlife Shield, Cordblood Network, and Cordlife Transplant Care.

Now, more and more families are gaining access to cord blood and cord lining banking as the company extends their services in Visayas and Mindanao with the opening of their Cebu and Davao Satellite Offices.

Their prolific years of experience in umbilical cord blood banking pushed them further to offer more quality services. Hence, the introduction of their umbrella brand, Genscreen. With Genscreen, they launched genetic screening services such as: NICE and Prevue Non-invasive Prenatal Tests and PlumCare DNA Advisor, the first and only family genetic testing in the Philippines.


With the power of cord blood stem cells in their care, Cordlife Philippines values great responsibility to their community as well. That is why in 2017, they pioneered a national advocacy called One Blood. The CSR program grants free cord blood banking to qualified pregnant moms with family history of diseases that can be treated by cord blood stem cells.

In celebrating the first ever World Cord Blood Day in the Country, Cordlife Philippines joined hand -in-hand with healthcare professionals, celebrity brand ambassadors, and Cordlife moms to spread awareness about cord blood and cord blood banking through informative talks and lectures.
And as a gesture of gratitude to their clients, Cordlife introduced their Privilege Card that offers discounts and promos from their trusted partner brands. Their journey in securing precious stem cells will continue as they remain steadfast in providing reliable healthcare solutions and delivering excellence in cor blood banking and more.

With a firm belief that their services may offer life-changing and life-saving therapeutic options for families in the future, their commitment to continuously offer quality services will never be compromised. Because after all, Cordlife is really all about celebrating the gift of life.

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