Why it’s Important to Buy Clothes That Are Built to Last for Your Children
Clothes 10/19/2018 01:54:00 PMCan you still count on your hands the number of times that your kid has come home with a stain on their shirt or a rip in their favorite jeans? The answer probably is “No”. It can sometimes be frustrating. You might recall a Rappler article on a popular detergent brand that said stains can symbolize something good. It’s an essential part of growing up! What us moms need to do is to be prepared for those moments by investing in clothes that can keep up with our kids. Here are a few reasons why it’s important to buy clothes that are built to last:
Clothes that are built to last are often made from quality fabrics. The better the fabric, the easier it will be for the little and not-so-little ones to move around in and less chance of rips and tears. After all, having a happy kid is what we all aim for. Life Hacker believes that you should spend money on, where they spend the most time in - it’s called the “Comfort Principle”. Keep your kids comfy and yourself happy!
There are 3 magic words when it comes to children’s clothes. You have to find clothing that is wrinkle-free, stretchable and light-weight. Fabrics that fall into these categories are the easiest to maintain. It means you spend less time staring at the pile of clothes near your ironing board and more time enjoying your kids’ company. Here are a few tips from So Sew Easy on choosing the right fabrics for your kids’ clothes. If you’re curious about the specific types of fabrics, Sew Guide gives you 13 fabric options to watch out for.
Since you know what types of clothes and fabrics to look out for, shopping becomes easier. You don’t have to go through all the items in the store anymore. The next step is to find a favorite shop that can carry it all for you. You can see from the array of clothes on the BNY Jeans shop that they are made from high quality materials that are resistant to wear and tear. Your young kids and teens will definitely spend a lot of time in their clothes – so it is worth choosing wisely. Which just goes to reaffirm why you should always look to buy clothes made from quality materials otherwise you could end up buying some more quicker than you wanted.
Ever heard of the phrase “Cheap is expensive”? Sounds a bit ironic, right? It’s because you get what you pay for. When you buy cheap products, you might only be spending a little money now but chances are, that piece will only see a few washes before you need to head out and buy something new again (as mentioned in the previous section). Between travel costs, the cost of the clothes and the time that you spend – they can all add up pretty quickly. Be smart in investing in clothes.
If you’re interested to find out more about Parenting tips, you can see some more interesting posts here on Mommy’s Mag Life.