Dr. Claudine Roura is one of the most underrated beauty doctors in the country.
For one, she is not a social media animal who relishes attention.
Her marketing relies on word of mouth. Dr. Roura is a fine example of what quiet competence is all about.
Dr. Roura's mantra has always been to forge a "healthy partnership" with her patients to achieve their desired body goal.
Roura zaps the fats, contours the body in the most beautiful way you can imagine but maintenance is with the patients in consultation with the expert.
"Our treatment is just a push. Hindi siya ‘this is it!’ If you do not maintain what you achieved, you will still gain weight. This should not only be a way to achieve your goals faster but more importantly, an add-on to a healthy lifestyle," Dr. Roura explains.
Dr. Roura of Roura Aesthetic Institute (formerly Contours PH), is the Best Vaser Liposculpture Surgeon in the Philippines since 2008. Specializing in Beverly Hills style Facelift - Auralyft, she's seeing the future of Liposculpture in our country in a positive way.
What is Vaser Liposculpture?
“Vaser, which means Vibration, Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance, is a machine that uses third generation ultrasound to melt fats for better results,” Dr. Roura explained.
Liposculpture, on the other hand, is the technique that goes hand-in-hand with Vaser. To use the machine and master the technique, Dr. Roura trained under no less than its inventor, Dr. Alredo Hoyos, in Bogotá, Colombia.
Roura is, for the record, the very first and only qualified Cosmetic Surgeon who's certified for Vaser High Definition Liposculpture.
A pioneer in performing the technique in the Philippines since 2008, she still holds the recognition and prestige as the most experienced Liposurgeon in the field of Vaserlipo and Vaser High Definition Sculpture and Hourglass Lipo and tummy tucks, plus she also specializes in autologous fat grafting for biofilling and skin rejuvenation, hair growth, scars and keloid, also osteoarthritis.
Dr. Roura finished Medicine and Surgery at the University of Sto. Tomas in Manila and completed her residency training in Dermatology at Jose R. Reyes Memorial Medical Center.
Even now that she's an expert, Dr. Roura still takes extensive dermatologic and cosmetic surgery training here and abroad to update herself in latest techniques
What she is today is a result of Dr. Roura's training with the country's renowned dermatology doctors.
Early on in her career, Dr. Roura served as an apprentice to the well-respected and prominent cosmetic surgeon Dr. Raul B. Guanzon, a Fellow at the Philippine Society for Cosmetic Surgery and trained under the preceptorship training of the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery in with Dr. Sorin Eremia as her preceptor in Riverside, California, USA as part of her goals to advance her skills in dermatologiv surgery in the year 2003.
Dr. Roura also attended international workshops and trainings facilitated by world renowned Cosmetic and Plastic surgeons like Dr. Guillermo Blugerman of Argentina; Dr. Hourglass himself Dr. Wilberto Cotez of Houston Texas; Dr. Steve Cohen of San Diego California for Injectable Tissue Replacement and Regeneration; and most notably the Father of Liposuction Surgery, Dr. Pierre Fournier of France.
Her most advanced trainings abroad were with Dr. Alfredo Hoyos for the Vaser High Definition Liposculpture for the 4D liposuction and 4D tummy tuck course both held in Bogota, Colombia in 2008 and 2014 respectively.
Dr. Roura believes in the power of positivity as everyone goes through the challenges of 2020.
"We are all hanging tight. We need a body in fighting form. Let me help you achieve that," Dr. Roura says confidently.
Follow Roura Aesthetic Institute on Instagram: @rouraaestheticinstitute
You may reach them at:
📞 0917 562 2247
🌐 http://www.csroura.com/