The Federation of International Cable TV and Telecommunications Association of the Philippines or FICTAP vyes a seat in the congress to push their program of having a fast internet connection and a free WiFi connection to all Filipinos. Free internet for everyone to equip knowledge in a single click of a finger. They are also pushing the rights concerning the issues in internet, ICT, VAS, Telecommunications, Cable TV, Broadcast and Media.
The organization through its first nominee Estrellita "Neng" Juliano-Tamano, MBA from Cotabato, were able to shed some light in the issues they are pushing during the bloggers conference held in Max's Restaurant in Roxas Blvd.
During the conference FICTAP laid down their programs and explained how it will be resolved. Here are the list of their programs and laws plan to submit.
- "Improved Free Public WiFi Act which aims to make Free WiFi available in the country.
- Cellphone Users Act, which aims to give benefits and protection for all cellphone users.
- Custom SIM Card Act, to have a customize SIM card for Senior Citizens, OFW, Student, Teachers and Mothers for discount and other privileges. But this is optional concerning with the data privacy law.
- Online Sellers, Buyers & Freelancers Act, which target to strengthen and to widen the e-commerce industry in the country and to provide jobs for Pinoys.
- Anti-Catfish Law, aims to address the problem with posers online with bad intentions.
These are just their initial programs for the betterment of the country. FICTAP Partylist #117.