Here is another activity that will definitely touch the heart of others and of course me. I love this kind of advocacy! Helping unfortunate ones to go to school and finish their studies.
This is one better way to help those deserving scholars to pursue their studies. I am very sure that those students who will achieve their dreams will be very grateful and thankful. I can attest to that because I for once used to be a scholar way back when I am still studying. I finished my studies because of those people who openly shares what they have to someone like me.
Here are some insights during the press conference of SUNPIOLOGY Color Run
Let the brilliant hues of genoerosity make for bigger and brighter holidays as the Sun and the Stars once againalign for a good cause. Sun Life Philippines alongside Star Magic Celebrities collaborate for the 2013 Sunpiology Color Run, happening on November 23, Saturday at Bonifacio Global City.
Run, rave and raise funds for charity with Sun Life Ambassador Piolo Pascual and his fellow Star Magic talents! After crossing the finish line, enjoy the colorful after-show party featuring vibrant production numbers from your favorite stars! Then give a toast to 5 years of partnership between Sun LIfe and Hebreo Foundation, which has helped raise millions of pesos to send poor but deserving scholars to school.
"This year, we are making the holiday season more vivid and charitable with the SUNPIOLOGY COLOR RUN. We just want everyone to enjoy running with their friends and family. Then let us help you relax and cool down with an after-show rave party," invites Pascual during the Press Launch at Max's Restaurant in Scout Tuazon, Quezon City.
Enjoy the sunset with the stars and a bang of colors! Register at for a run and party tickets are ranging from 250 to 800. Distance include 1k for kids, 3k, 5k and 10k.
"The SUNPIOLOGY has been a much anticipated annual charity event. And now that we have the stars on our side with Star Magic Gives Back, our combined efforts are sure to shine brighter," affirms Sun Life Chief Marketing Officer Mylene Lopa.
Registration is now open for all categories until November 15. For more information visit
So, register now, it will be fun and shine like a diamond with the Star Magic Celebrities. Enjoy the run and help at the same time. See you there!