Gift giving is really abundant this recent holiday season and you can actually see gifts everywhere. It is the way of giving to the person that you love and treasure more them in your life.
My Family gave gifts to our relatives, inaanak and friends last Christmas. I am so happy that in the early age of my kids, they are fond of giving gifts and sharing even their toys to others.
It seems that giving is just one way of sharing your life to others and in return they too shares their lives to us. There was an instance that one of my blogger friends, Gracee Bongolan of told me that I am a kind person that's why I received more than what I give to others. One example is when I gave an item to my friend and then the next day I received the same item but this time the return is much more than what I gave. It was 3 times more, imagine that?! What a great experience, right?
Another thankful and grateful experience is that recently, I did get another gift and it was truly a generous gift from Unilever. So I'm thanking Unilever and Startworks Family for that wonderful gift. It is not only for my family but for our extended family as well.
It is timely that it is the first gift that I receive to open my journey for this year, though it was supposedly last December. I consider this now as an early blessing for the year 2014
I just hope and pray that this is not the last of the blessings but just the beginning of a wonderful, blessed and fruitful year.