With the growing census of cancer incidence in the country, there is real concern in providing supportive care not only during treatment but more so when the treatment side effects start manifesting.
For cancer patients, managing the side effects
is as important as addressing the cancer itself. According to doctors, side
effects can compromise treatment and even recovery. According to Dr. Maria
Luisa Abesamis-Tiambeng, M.D., head of the CSMC Cancer Institute, M.D. “The psychological scars caused by the physical
manifestations of treatment, like rashes, skin discoloration, blackened nails
and falling hair erode patients’ self-esteem and the will to fight. But
psychological well-being is crucial to a successful treatment. If cancer
patients feel low and miserable, their response to treatment is greatly
affected. So if the side effects of treatment do not bother the patient, their
treatment regimen becomes more tolerable, if not welcome. Products like Evolife
can help make patients commit to their treatment regimen and achieve the
ultimate cure. These innovative products can prove crucial in licking the Big
In a concerted effort to alleviate the side
effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, Point
of Care Solutions Inc. (PCSI) in partnership with United Laboratories recently introduced Evolife products to the
PCSI is the exclusive distributor of Evolife’s full range of
cancer-support care products that treat the cutaneous and cutaneous-mucuos side
effects induced by chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Evolife products are the
result of years of research and development by a dedicated team of
dermatologists, oncologists, and scientists based in France. Evolife Products
contain a unique blend of natural minerals that provide premium hydration and protection
for patients undergoing cancer treatment. They are the first and only products
of their kind that are effective, uniquely designed with the needs of cancer
patients in mind, and they are well tested,” says oncologist J.F. Chanez in
“The Neurogenic Component of Cutaneous Toxicities Induced by Chemotherapy – New
Solutions”, European Oncology Journal, Vol 6:1, 28-30.
Michael S. Avelino. Managing Director of Point of Care
Solutions, Inc. said “As the company’s initial offering, Evolife products
deliver the company’s passion and commitment to help cancer patients improve
their quality of life.”
Evolife products underwent clinical trials in the
Philippines in 2011 and produced very positive results, Avelino added.
Evolife products consist of skin care products (EvoSkin Gel
Cream and Evolife Hydrating Skin Cleanser which provide a unique hydrating
solution for skin side effects of cancer therapy such as cracks, dryness and a
burning sensation), oral care products (EvoMucy mouthwash and spray for mouth
sores, EvoLip for chapped or sensitive lips, EvoDry mouth spray to combat mouth
and throat dryness and EvoDonto toothpaste for sensitive and irritated gums), a
scalp care product (EvoCapil hydrating hair spray that calms the scalp and rejuvenates
hair follicles to encourage hair re-growth), a hygiene product (EvoDeo
Deodorant Spray, an alcolohol-free deodorant spray for hypersensitive skin
controls hot flashes and excessive sweating) and nail care products (EvoNail
which helps revitalize darkened, yellow, brittle or cracked nails and restores
them to their natural state).
Cancer patient, Tina, who underwent chemotherapy and radiotherapy, experienced
mouth sores and burning sensations on her skin. “The mouth sores were too
painful to eat anything so I lost a lot of weight. After my doctor recommended
EvoMucy mouth wash the sores disappeared in 3 days for good.This helped me
regain my energy as I went through with my treatment. I also used EvoSkin Gel
Cream and EvoNail. After using it for a few days, the burning sensation went
away and my nails did not blacken at all, unlike other patients undergoing
This new product line will complement the existing cancer
treatment regimen being offered by Unilab
and will provide a wholistic supportive care program for cancer
For more information about Evolife and Evolife products,
visit www.evolife.com.ph. Or go to the
Cancer Support Shop at the CSMC Cancer Center located at 10 Wilson St.,
Greenhills West, San Juan City.